Isuntza beach – Aittitta Makurra

The “AittittaMakurra” legend

The captain of a Lekeitian ship suffered a heart attack in port just before shipping out. As he was being attended, a man dressed in black who walked by the port told a sailor on the ship what he was supposed to do in order to save the skipper. The man did so and the chef was healed. The man in black told him that from then onwards he would devote himself to healing people. However, he had to watch his roof daily, as when grass grew there, he had to bid farewell to his family and head to the beach. Thus, the sailor lived until he was 90, healing people. Then, one morning, somegrass appeared on his roof. As the man in black had warned him, he said goodbye to his family and headed to Isuntza beach, where he found the man, who revealed to him that he was Death and that his time had come. He touched the sailor and turned him into astone. Depending on the amount of sand, a rock known as “AitxitxaMakurra” can be discerned at the beach, which means “The hunched grandfather ”, referring to the sailor to whom Death turned into a stone.